Beautiful houses architecture and design in detail

Beautiful houses architecture and design
Beautiful houses architecture and design

Beautiful houses can be found today in any large suburban village. They are renowned for their incredibly sleek, designer façades. In addition to the external project, in such dwellings, the internal space is arranged according to a similar principle. But for this it is important to take into account several nuances of planning and the rules for creating a spectacular exterior.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

A beautiful house with an unusual external design Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Wooden house with an unusual layout Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

House of an unusual shape with two floors Source

What to consider when planning a house: the main characteristics of a beautiful structure

The beauty of the outside of the house depends on adherence to many principles:

  • The uniqueness of the project. The appearance should be individual. The more interesting the facade, the better it will stand out against the background of standard construction objects: classic houses.
  • Despite the attractive and rich appearance, the interior space should have sufficient natural light. Therefore, the windows in such houses are made of massive frames with large glass.
  • The shape of the building from all sides should correspond to a single stylistic concept. It is advisable to arrange all building materials from one batch. Otherwise, differences in shades will be visible.
  • Raw materials must be selected of good quality. It is important that it can be used for as long as possible. It is also important to carry out preparatory work, planning and general construction correctly.

A beautiful house, like any other residential building, requires care when choosing a site and analyzing suitable building materials. After all, if you ignore this factor, soon the entire external beauty of the building may collapse. Basically, this happens when the properties of the soil, the depth of the groundwater are not taken into account.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

A beautiful mansion for a large family with a tiled roof

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Multifunctional residential cottage with a swimming pool Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Two-story residential building with large gables Source

Layout with good examples of beautiful country houses

The organization of the architectural project and its further operation completely depends on how correctly the foundation was poured. It is from the created concrete base and its strength properties that they are repelled for further planning and its implementation.

Each owner develops a floor plan on his own. But the appearance of the building depends on what the building will be like inside. Therefore, it is advisable to deal with some of the design features of the layout.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Billiards and wine cellar in one room in a residential building Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Beautiful basement with an area for receiving guests Source


The basement is a technical room. It is equipped if the soil on the site has sufficient strength. Inside, the space can be divided into several sections or it remains as one spacious room. Such premises are often used as a garage, storage room, workshop. The presence of an underground floor directly affects the outer part of the building. The basement height is usually color-coded or a basement tile is laid in this area. The house looks prettier with a similar exterior.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Basement and storage room two in one without designer wall cladding Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Two-storey house with a basement, a terrace and an attic Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Residential building with an unusual exterior layout Source

Number of storeys

This factor determines not only how functional and adaptable the building will be, but also the appearance of the structure.

One-story beautiful country houses can have a fairly large area. Modern projects provide for interesting layouts of living quarters. In such dwellings, there will be enough space for any occasion of life.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Layout of a house with a garage, an attic and a partial number of storeys Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Large residential building with geometric exterior design Source

Two-storey structures allow for better space utilization. In such a room, it is possible to connect several rooms into one, or vice versa, divide them inside with the help of partitions. Such an environment will definitely change the appearance. In houses with two floors, the cladding of the building can have an extraordinary style (chaotic arrangement of windows, irregular shape of gables, designer attic or attic).

Houses with a second light

The presence of a second light in the house is a popular solution among modern housing construction. Such equipment necessarily affects the external architecture of the building and affects the internal layout.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

The second light in a residential building with a ruptured pediment Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

House with an attic and a balcony on the second floor

This creates an incredible second visible space effect. To make such a building look beautiful from the outside, panoramic glazing of the front of the house is arranged as cladding.

In such houses, a hall or an entrance living room is necessarily created. But for the house to look spacious and functional, the area of ​​the guest room alone should not be less than 100 sq. M.

Attic decoration

With the help of an attic, you can quickly solve the problem of a shortage of free space. Thus, it is still possible to design the facade of the house in an unusual way. Several separate rooms can be created inside the attic: a nursery, a study, a bedroom and others. At the same time, natural lighting must be established in each room. Window openings are created so that the exterior of the house looks attractive.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Beautiful house with a balcony in the attic

Beautiful houses architecture and design

House with an attic and balconies on the facade and side of the house Source

On a note! The design of the facade of the house should be interesting and emphasize only one stylistic solution. You should not practice different directions, because the house will look pretentious and intimidating.

Prefab beautiful houses: features and configuration

Frame houses are considered an alternative to concrete structures and log huts. They differ somewhat in the way of construction, since they use individual configurations for this:

  • Frame-panel.
  • SIP-panel.
  • Power.
  • Half-timbered.

Based on this division, it is worth noting that the features of operation will be different.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame house with a standard exterior design Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame two-storey house with a terrace and a stone foundation Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame house with an attic and a beautiful design Source

The frame-panel structure endures heavy loads, therefore it does not deform for decades. As a result of the construction, you can immediately start finishing without preparatory work.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame-panel house with the possibility of internal redevelopment Source

SIP panels, from which residential buildings are erected, have improved strength properties. Such material is multilayer, there is a filler inside. This also improves the sound insulation properties. Also, you do not need to take care of an additional layer of heat insulator.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Durable house made of SIP panels in two floors Source

The construction of power residential buildings provides for the mandatory design of a solid frame. Additionally, it is sheathed with self-supporting insulated wire or OSB panels. Reinforcement of the structure can be carried out using separate posts or columns.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Solid half-timbered house of a large area Source

Half-timbered large beautiful house requires considerable financial costs. For such structures, only two floors are provided. Also a must-have attribute is a dark tiled roof. If you want to emphasize the modern image of the house, you can use glass-ceramic plates in combination with a metal frame.

On a note! When erecting frame houses in damp terrain, make sure that materials with good waterproofing properties are taken as the basis. 

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Finishing the facade of frame houses

A residential building on a frame basis necessarily requires a beautiful exterior finish. For this, bright colors of the facade are used. The most common and eye-catching designers consider red and green.

Red: photo examples

Red and its dark shades are very popular in the direction of the modern exterior. They are perfect for painting the facades of frame houses with a high or flat roof, an attic or two floors.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame house with red tiles and a facade Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame red house with a massive roof of tiles Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame house with a burgundy facade and stylish windows Source

For the decoration of such houses, metal or vinyl siding is most often used. But it is important to note that such designs must be chosen of high quality and expensive. Otherwise, in a year or two, the entire color of the facade will fade in the sun.

Green: photo options

Green is considered a calmer natural shade. It will dilute the landscape design well and emphasize the comfort of the local area. With a similar design method, the most beautiful houses are obtained.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Frame residential building with a green facade in a rustic style Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Green frame house with a pediment and an attic Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

House with a terrace on the second floor Source

For finishing, you can use fiber cement material or monolithic mats. They are lightweight and are considered to be technologically advanced. They have good sound insulation properties.

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Beautiful frame house with panoramic windows and an attic floor Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Beautiful country house of frame type Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

House of irregular geometric shape with a solid frame Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Long design house with an unusual layout Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Residential building of non-standard design with a garage inside Source

Beautiful houses architecture and design

Beautiful house with imitation of timber on the facade Source


Beautiful houses need high-quality cladding and careful selection of building materials. When creating the external design of the facade, it is important that it remains attractive for many years. The principle that designers are advised to take into account when creating an exterior is the proportionality and symmetry of the walls. As for the fashionable non-standard-shaped cottages, they will come in handy in remote settlements with similar structures.
