Features of the Construction and Decoration of Houses in the Finnish style

Tags: Traditional Finnish architecture, Finland architecture history, Finnish interior design, Ancient Finnish architecture, Finnish house Design, Traditional Finnish house, Finnish houses, Finnish architects, Alvar Aalto, Famous architecture in Finland, Famous buildings in Finland, Finland Architecture School.

finnish house plans

The famous Russian poet Sasha Cherny, praising Finland, said that this country is like a kingdom of lakes, pines and stones. Beautiful nature with a rather harsh climate has become an incentive for the creation of special traditions in culture and architecture. They are well recognizable, the whole world knows them. We will tell you what features a Finnish-style house has, what interior is most suitable for creating its interior content. Read and learn everything about the characteristic features of the external and internal appearance of the buildings of the northern peoples.

finnish house plans

Finnish house in all its glory Source psk-nord.ru

General features

Today you can see beautiful Finnish houses in all areas of our large country. They fit perfectly into the natural landscape, complement it and look great against the backdrop of an untouched landscape. Many people like volumetric frame buildings with peaked roofs. Their form is simple, modest, but their appearance is impeccable.

finnish house design

Simple form and impeccable appearance Source modernplace.ru

Houses in Finland are built from pine and larch. For the most part, glued laminated timber is used. There are projects in the construction of which brick or aerated concrete is used, but in order to recreate the desired national flavor, they are then sheathed with a dry sheathing wooden board imitating solid wood beams.

finnish house design

Wood is the main building material Source avatars.mds.yandex.net

The architecture of Finnish houses has its own characteristics. Houses are being built on a columnar foundation. The structure of piles or pillars is combined in the form of beams, a mortar is being constructed, which makes it possible to level the unevenness of the relief. Such a foundation can be placed in areas with a high elevation difference, which allows you to save on leveling the ground before laying the foundation and make the most of the features of the local landscape without causing damage to it.

finnish house design

The pile foundation helps to bypass the features of the local landscape Source happymodern.ru

There is a lot of natural stone in Finland. It contains deposits of sandstone, steatite and shale. They are used to strengthen the soil on the hill on which the house is being built. Pile supports are usually propped up with a stone, and the steps leading to the front door are lined with it. But most often rubble masonry is formed - a type of stone finish, composed of individual boulders of irregular shape.

Rubble support of the foundation

Rubble support of the foundation Source poctroyka.ru

A modern Finnish home style is a must-have combination of stone and wood. These materials are used everywhere: to decorate the facade, and in interior decoration, and in the formation of landscape gardening compositions. Large blocks or boulders always appear on the sites. They are stacked in a chaotic manner, but this is only at first glance, it seems that there is wildlife around. In fact, it is created by an architect, project designer - a specialist who knows a lot about the architecture of the northern peoples.

An outdoor fireplace is another characteristic feature of the Finnish style. It is located entirely outside the house and is very often attached to the side of the main entrance. It is usually collected from natural stones. The pipe stretches up and goes into the sky. The firebox looks out onto the street.

finnish house design

Terrace around the fireplace Source smarthomemakin

See also:

A terrace is usually built around the fireplace. Here you can stay with your family, cook a grill, receive guests. The terrace may appear on the second floor. Attic houses are common. They are comfortable and look beautiful. Terrace supports are usually lined with stone. Such extensions visually increase the area of ​​the house, make it more spacious. The owners of such cottages complement the terraces, folded around the perimeter of the building, with outbuildings, in which garages or saunas are then equipped.

finnish house design

Fireplace outside the house Source dachnaya-zhizn.ru

More and more often, Finnish houses were built with panoramic glazing. It helps daylight to penetrate as much as possible and flood the entire interior. It offers views of magnificent natural landscapes that easily become part of the interior decoration.

finnish house design

Panoramic glazing is a characteristic feature Source simferopol.ocilindrovannoe-brevno.ru

Warmth and comfort inside

Frame construction technology allows you to build housing in the shortest possible time. In this case, you can save money, since both outside and inside the house is completely wooden. Wood is a warm material. It has its own very interesting texture. Pine and larch are light species. They have a beautiful yellow or honey hue. It is decorative in itself. If you want to soften the finish a little, you can use a matte glaze on the walls and ceilings.

The tree, covered with light glaze, looks very beautiful

The tree, covered with light glaze, looks very beautiful Source yandex.net

See also:

A traditional Finnish house is almost empty inside. There should not be a lot of furniture, a lot of small accessories. The decor is strict and laconic. Its main semantic object is the hearth. Finns do not like fireplaces, they prefer wood-burning stoves. They can appear not only in the living room, but also in the master's office, in the kitchen, in the dining room. Bread is necessarily baked in them. Any hostess can cook it.

The minimum amount of furniture

The minimum amount of furniture does not prejudice the functionality, there is everything that is necessary for a person's life Source yandex.net

Hand-made things help to create an authentic space. In Finnish homes, you can often see crafts that are passed down from generation to generation. These can be embroidered napkins, woven rugs, clay and porcelain figurines. Each subject has its own story. She is sure to be told to children.

Most often in Finnish houses accessories

Most often in Finnish houses accessories are completely absent. Source i.pinimg.com

Finland has its own national colors. It is pale blue, gray, white, green. They are actively used in the preparation of design projects. Usually they are taken to form a background against which the general concept is then revealed. No bright colors, accent spots - everything should be calm and balanced.

The atmosphere of a Finnish house

The atmosphere of a Finnish house is very calm and balanced, nature is the main design element of the interior space

The modern Finnish style in the interior of a wooden house is not as restrained as before. Some art object may appear in the design, but it should very organically fit into the authentic space. You can achieve this if you come up with your own story for him, which will become part of the family history.

Video description

The video tells about the exhibition of houses under construction in Finland:

See also:

finnish interior design style

finnish interior design style
finnish interior design

finnish interior design style
finnish interior design

finnish interior design style
finnish interior design

finnish interior design style
finnish interior design

finnish interior design style
finnish interior design

Briefly about the main thing

Finnish construction has its own traditions. In this country, they take good care of nature, so they try to fit their houses very organically into the existing landscape. The exterior can hardly be called simple and laconic. Open terraces help to shape depth and volume, due to which residential objects look very colorful.

The interior also does not tolerate an excess of accessories, there is no clutter of objects. Everything is simple, concise, but very functional. Ergonomics are carefully thought out, so there is nothing superfluous.

Warmth and comfort are achieved due to the abundance of wood in the decoration, due to its soft light color, the use of a large number of textiles and trophies in ethnic style.
