Philippines Houses Plan And Design

philippines houses plan and design

simple minimalist house plans type 36 and 2 floors in the style of the Philippines

philippines houses plan and design

simple minimalist house plans type 36 and 2 floors in the style of the Philippines,

The Most Wanted Type 36 Minimalist House Plan Photos

This simple minimalist house plan photo type 36 might be what you need if you want to build a minimalist residence. A house with a minimalist design like this will always be the most sought after home design by the public lately.

philippines houses plan and design

The Most Wanted Type 36 Minimalist House Plan Photos

Its beauty, elegance, and simplicity are one of the reasons why houses with this design are sought after by the public. Designs that allow you to be able to help a dwelling with a land that is not too wide are generally in great demand by small families or new families who still don't have many family members.

However, ignorance about this design, sometimes makes you never satisfied when the house is standing and does not match what you want. For this reason, careful thought is very important in this regard.

You should make a floor plan or a sketch of the house that you are going to build. About how? Check out the full information below.

Photo of a simple minimalist house plan type 36

You need to know that this simple minimalist house with type 36 is in great demand lately, although there are many more types offered from minimalist home designs, this makes it possible for you to get a dwelling that suits your wishes, and Of course, it also doesn't require a lot of money to build the house

This minimalist house with type 36 is one of the most suitable types for you, especially for new families who have just had a few family members, this is because a house with this type is a house built on a land that is not too wide, so it must be only the house that stands is also not too big.

philippines houses plan and design

Photos of the Most Wanted Simple Minimalist House Plans Type 36

philippines houses plan and design

Most Wanted Type 36 Minimalist House Plan Photos

In designing a house of this type, you have to really consider every space that will be in the house, because the type 36 house has a narrow area, so it requires arrangement and placement that is neat and well organized in order to save land. Although it is required to save land, but that does not mean you have to reduce the space that must be in your house. Mandatory rooms in your home, including the living room, family room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, so that in designing a minimalist house with type 36, careful, thorough, and thorough consideration is needed.

Photo of a 2-storey minimalist house plan in the Philippines

There are so many choices of home designs that are used by fans out there, but it seems that this minimalist design house phenomenon applies in almost the whole world. No exception in other ASEAN countries, such as the Philippines. Well, you can use this photo of a minimalist 2-storey house plan in the Philippines as a reference for your comfortable home. The house is a basic need for many people and everyone has different preferences for the house not only to display a beautiful impression but also comfort for all residents of his house. So, what is the difference between a minimalist 2-storey house plan in the Philippines style and a minimalist house plan in Indonesia? Check out the complete information below.

philippines houses plan and design

Photo of a 2-storey minimalist house plan in the Philippines

Photo of a minimalist 2-storey house plan in the Philippines

Basically, this minimalist 2-story house in the style of the Philippines is not much different from houses in Indonesia, as well as the photo of the 2-storey minimalist house plan that many Filipinos have, this 2-storey minimalist house can indeed be utilized in terms of its capacity to accommodate more another resident of the house. A house with this type can indeed be the dream of modern citizens like today. Plans and designs can be tailored to the needs of each individual. In addition, this 2-storey minimalist house is spacious enough to accommodate 3 to 3 bedrooms, according to the number of family members who will live in the house.

philippines houses plan and design

Photo of a 2-storey minimalist house plan in the Philippines

On the 1st floor you can place 2 bedrooms with bathrooms in them, plus public and semi-public areas as well as the living room, family room, and kitchen. Meanwhile, the 2nd floor area can be used as a place for 2 more bedrooms, plus a balcony as a place to relax with beloved family members.

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The idea of ​​​​a modern minimalist 2-storey house plan in the Philippines

In applying the photo of a modern minimalist 2-storey house plan in the Philippines, it is basically almost the same as the minimalist house design in Indonesia. However, based on photos that can be obtained online on the internet, there are several characteristics of a house in this English-speaking Asian country. The similarities are clear in terms of the roof design of the houses, as in Indonesia. The Philippines is also an area with a tropical climate, so a minimalist 2-story house plan uses a gable or leaning roof, although you can still find contemporary-style houses with flat roofs.

philippines houses plan and design

The idea of ​​​​a modern minimalist 2-storey house plan in the Philippines

That was the brief information about philippines houses plan and design, which we can share. Hopefully it can be useful and inspiring.

philippines houses plan and design
