58 Best Color Combination For House Exterior

In building a house, one of the things that always makes us confused or indecisive is the color choice of the house or building we are building, how not coloring and texturing are the last factors that will determine our satisfaction with the building, which was built not only with the money quite large but also to squeeze the mind and sweat.

Of course, we don't want the whole long process full of struggles to end with a feeling of inadequacy due to improper coloring and texturing. So, in this article, we try to display house color references from netizens as a reference for those of you who want to paint houses, so that the long process of development becomes a climax and is satisfying.

best color combination for house exterior

This combination, of course, like other colors can also be combined with ceramics and natural stone, only here it should be noted that the combination needs to pay attention to the color derivatives of the basic colors so that the selected natural stone is still with the same color theme, namely between brown and white. 

orange, it should also be noted that the combination of this color with dark gray is an inappropriate idea in our opinion as in the 4th and fifth pictures of this color theme, the presence of this gray color is like breaking the eye's concentration on the shape of the building.

best color combination for house exterior

best color combination for house exterior

best color combination for house exterior

best color combination for house exterior

best color combination for house exterior

house paint color combination

Below we show 6 images belonging to netizens who try to combine these colors, but in our personal opinion the safest combination is in our second and fourth images below, other combinations do not mean they are not good or not suitable, just for others. 

It takes someone who is an expert in managing color to be implemented in building form elements and not everyone understands the building form elements because to be honest, coloring is not as easy as we imagine

house paint color combination

house paint color combination

house paint color combination

house paint color combination

house paint color combination

house paint color combination

house outside color combination

I personally am not a person who likes to make green as the main color of buildings, green like orange, yellow, and other bright colors are actually accent colors or eye-catching colors in buildings that are usually applied to no more than 20 percent of the building area.

And for the use of green, in our opinion, it is safest for you to use our color combination in the third picture, namely soft green, dark green, and gold, this combination in our opinion is much more pleasing to the eye and will not be boring for a long period of time.

house outside color combination

house outside color combination

house outside color combination

house outside color combination

home color combination

Yellow is the main color and orange is the accent color, I personally am not comfortable with this color combination, this color gives the impression of being overbright and hot on the inside of the building, maybe if the yellow color used is a softer and softer yellow color, it could be the impression it can be different, but once this color game is like lipstick, different people have different attention to color, so I think it's not quite right, but for homeowners, this could be an interesting combination that they like the most.

home color combination

home color combination

Read alsointerior house paint colors pictures

best exterior paint combinations

The application of this color in our example can be said to be appropriate where the owner separates or separates the two colors firmly on the building elements so that there is no color competition in the eye, even though we or building connoisseurs still easily recognize the shape of the building.

best exterior paint combinations

best exterior paint combinations

house color combination

This color combination is indeed more suited to the design of a classic-style building design with a lot of building details, although this combination can also be done on a minimalist design-style house, remember that you should involve an expert in determining the coloring of your building. Can't you try it yourself? Of course, you can, it's just that involving people who are experts of course this will cut your testing costs in building coloring, and the results can be more satisfying, but remember to involve people who are really experts.

house color combination

house color combination

exterior wall paint color combination

If you all listen carefully to our discussion in the previous 6 points, then we can conclude that in fact, no matter how strong a color you want to apply it is always combined with a similar, softer color where the strong color serves as an accent and the soft color itself serves as the color for the main building. In general, this principle can be said to be the standard of the coloring method, although there are several coloring techniques that come out of this standard.

exterior wall paint color combination

exterior wall paint color combination

exterior paint combinations

Light pink or mate and light pink pink, I myself still think matte pink is a color that can still be tolerated as the main color of a building in this case a house, but bright pink like our second picture example below feels so contrasting with the surrounding environment so that the building looks arrogant and socially psychologically not good, especially if the habits of the surrounding community also don't color their buildings with bright colors like this, although some people might say colors like this are cute, cute to look at. However, in our opinion, if you want to color your building pink, we recommend the color combination in the first and third images.

exterior paint combinations

exterior paint combinations

exterior paint combinations

indian house colour combination outside

indian house colour combination outside

Who says too many colors spoil the look? Exterior colors, when used in the right proportions, can do wonders. The above picture will give you ideas for cool colors for the exterior of your house.

The house in the picture uses deep blue, gray, and cream colors, and yellow is strategically painted to lift the mood of the house. When you are using a combination of colors for house exteriors, make sure they are in the right proportion.

exterior paint color combinations for indian houses

This is similar to our first color combination, except that in our first color combination, the house accent goes to orange, while in our ninth combination it goes to brown or mocha. So the resulting impression is also different if our first color combination looks fresh, light, and cheerful, for this color combination actually gives the impression of being mature and experienced. 

It's just that for the use of accent colors that run to dark colors, colleagues, you should also play with lighting to expose the facade, the results will be much more interesting.

exterior paint color combinations for indian houses

exterior paint color combinations for indian houses

exterior paint color combinations for indian houses

exterior paint color combinations for indian houses

outside house painting color combinations

This color combination is the most popular combination today, perhaps because of the nature of this color that can be combined with any color as an accent. For example, in our first image below, the accent color is generated from the canopy list plank which is colored orange and the condition of the building color is still safe. 

This color is also very possible to be combined with several types of natural stone, and this color can also be more efficient in its use, this is because the main color of the building that must be covered is basically cement gray so that with a little layer of gray paint the color has been covered well.

outside house painting color combinations

outside house painting color combinations

outside house painting color combinations

Read also : Paint Colors for Hallways and Stairs

exterior color combination

exterior color schemes

In our discussion above, we have discussed that there are several coloring methods that can be said to be out of the norm wherein the case of the combination of red and black the two colors actually have a very strong character, in theory, these two colors should compete to attract the eye but in fact, the color black when combined with dark red, dark blue then black turns into a general color by itself and red becomes the accent color.

exterior color schemes

exterior color schemes

Highlighter green can be said to be an unusual color for a house, but its use can still be done on condition that it should not exceed 10 percent of the body area of ​​the building facade, and the combination should also be with a matte color that is not shiny. I myself like this color, in the right building design this color can be very powerful in influencing the character of the building's facade.

color combination for house exterior painting

color combination for house exterior painting

The splendid outside divider paint shading plan is overwhelmed by turquoise. This turquoise tone can be a motivation for you. Overwhelmed by turquoise with the harmonization of white shading makes the house wake up. This splendid outside divider paint tone can give its own delight to the inhabitants of the house. 

house color schemes

house color schemes

Brilliant outside divider paint tones with ivory, turquoise, and white shading plans. The decision of a splendid outside divider paint shading plan is reasonable for homes with balanced shapes on the two sides. From this house, you can see the rich side and furthermore the nostalgic sentiment side. With the predominance of white, the shade of the paint outwardly of the house gives a splendid impression, it even resembles another house. 

The ivory shading accent for the steps and the turquoise tone on the entryway leaf gives a different emphasis to the house, giving the feeling that the house is possessed by a glad family. Don't you need that sort of impression to be available in your home? 

house painting color combinations outside

house painting color combinations outside

Determination of splendid outside divider paint tones with mustard yellow, brown and white shading plans. The mustard yellow tone has as of late become one of the most loved shades of fashioners both at home and abroad. It's an issue of style, you know, yet additionally as far as picking house paint tones, both for the inside and for the outside. 

This incorporates picking a splendid outside divider paint tone, you know. For this motivation, you can join mustard yellow on the dividers with earthy colored accents on the entryway and a chaise longue on the patio for a contemporary vibe. 

exterior paint color combinations

exterior paint color combinations

The peach tone for a splendid outside divider paint tone. You can likewise apply a peach shading choice like this one in your home later. Peach shading itself was famous during the 1980s as a brilliant outside divider paint shading plan, despite the fact that it is right now less well known. Nonetheless, it never damages to rejuvenate this delicate pastel tone. You can join peach tone with dark, white to green. 

building color combination

building color combination

A mix of yellow and dark for a splendid outside divider paint shading plan. The harmonization of canary yellow with delicate dark can make an unbiased air and make your home look more bright. Particularly with the radiant yellow shading which is additionally a shading articulation for a brilliant outside divider paint tone. 

A dazzling yellow shading that is adjusted by a delicate dark shading will give a merry, yet in addition warm impression to your home. You can apply this brilliant outside divider paint tone and it is reasonable for a little and moderate house. 

house and shutter color combinations 

house and shutter color combinations

The mix of splendid outside divider paint tones with a vintage idea. A bit of vintage is presently a pattern that can be attempted. Counting the outside of your home. You can utilize shadings like beige, cream tone, to naval force blue or naval force blue which can be attempted to give a different shading accent for your home. 

The blend of this splendid outside divider paint tone can likewise be added with different tones like provincial orange, timberland green, ivory, and some more. Set out to play with brilliant outside divider paint colors like that will make your home look appealing. 

exterior house colors combinations

exterior house colors combinations

The brilliant outside divider paint tone is overwhelmed by timberland green with a hint of orange. For sure, when you mull over everything, green will in general have a dim and desolate impression. Be that as it may, with the shading mix between the regular green and the orange tone created from the wood components like the image of the house over, the house looks more alive. 

You can likewise make a splendid outside divider paint with a blend of these two tones. Representing satisfaction and energy, yellow is regularly the decision for splendid outside divider paint. Likewise, add lighting from yellow lights with the goal that the house will feel more vivid and produce its own shading explanation for your home. 

house and fence color combinations

house and fence color combinations

The main kind of house fence paint tone is as per the shade of the house. This sort is broadly utilized. Considering the agreement with the house is viewed as great by many individuals. Coming up next is an illustration of a fence paint shading that coordinates with the shade of the house. 

The image above shows that the paint shade of the fence with the shade of the house has likenesses. That way, you will believe that the house and the fence are one unit. The house looks richer. Gives a lovely impression since it shows cohesiveness. 

The choice to pick the shading match of the house with the shade of the fence is exceptionally proper for those of you who are confounded about picking another shading. In any case, assuming you need to utilize different shadings, that is fine. The accompanying will clarify and give models identified with fence paint that is not quite the same as house paint tones. 

modern gray house exterior color schemes

modern gray house exterior color schemes

Dim with white and block red for a splendid outside divider paint tone. One instance of picking a brilliant outside divider paint is the cabin house above, which shows a warm impression in a dim, white shading range and a bit of block red. 

This dash of block red shading itself is helpful so the brilliant outside divider paint tone can be acknowledged in a fair manner in your home so the house doesn't appear to be excessively pale and tedious. 

house color combination outside

house color combination outside

Rural style house with splendid outside divider paint tones. The shade of this rural house in the United States is typically overwhelmed by white, dark, gold, natural red, to woodland wood for the rooftop tone. Indeed, the splendid outside divider paint shade of this rural house itself will for the most part utilize light dim or light-dark. 

The shade of the top of the house can coordinate with the shade of the dividers. Like the house above, which utilizes a dim dark tone for a Tudor-style rooftop with a splendid outside divider paint shade of light dim to adjust the shade of the top of the house. 

gray exterior paint color schemes

gray exterior paint color schemes

Dark Wall Paint Color Combinations Meet again companions who the administrator is glad for, this time the administrator needs to give an outline in regards to Gray Wall Paint Color Combinations Most families need an agreeable spot to live, yet to pick the format of your home as indicated by your fantasies can be troublesome in the event that you don't have an image House. 

Read alsoBest Paint Colors For Bedrooms With Dark Furniture

house paint combination

house paint combination

Splendid outside divider paint tones for cabin houses. On the off chance that your home kind is a cabin-type house, you can investigate with brilliant tones like radiant yellow or dazzling yellow, turquoise, or orange. These tones can give a happy and familiar impression in your home. 

Like the house above, which has a splendid outside divider paint tone, to be specific yellow divider paint – turquoise for the white entryway and fence shading introduced on the house. So lovely? 

building outside color combination

building outside color combination

The idea of a moderate home gives an advancement brilliant shading decisions and will in general be strong. One of them is red paint, albeit this tone contains a dim impression, yet whenever applied appropriately, it can give an exquisite and cool impression. You can consolidate red with dark, the feeling that seems to be a work of art or retro idea.

gray color combination house

gray color combination house

Red is often considered suitable when combined with gray. This color combination that gives a strong impression is widely used in various minimalist model homes. Red is considered to give a strong and assertive impression, while gray gives a neutral and simple impression. No wonder this combination is often applied in the interior of the house, one of which is the family room.

exterior paint color schemes

exterior paint color schemes

One of the safest color schemes to use for home exteriors is monochrome. This color impresses with simplicity that fits the minimalist concept. But still elegant in appearance. The combination of the dominant colors of white and gray is one of the examples of the application of a simple monochrome exterior.

exterior house color schemes

exterior house color schemes

Great Wall Paint Color with Beige Scheme. Good wall paint with a beige color scheme can be an option for those of you who want to highlight an elegant impression of your home. The harmonization of the beige color with black on the doors, windows, and roof of this house makes it look even more luxurious. Not to forget, there is also a path in front of the house with the same color scheme.

Maximizing this good wall paint color by presenting dim lights so that apart from being luxurious, the feel of your home will be warmer. If you want to add some trees or ornamental plants, that's fine too.

best color combinations for home

best color combinations for home

Great Wall Paint Colors with a Gray Scheme. Gray wall paint is one of the best house paint colors because it is neutral, looks calm, and is stable. Therefore, this good wall paint color is very often used on the exterior of the house, ranging from houses with classic, minimalist, to modern concepts.

In its application, you can use several color schemes from gray derivatives, such as dark gray, light gray, or even using andesite natural stone ceramics which are also gray. Thus, the exterior of your house will look more lively and attractive.

white color combination for house exterior painting

white color combination for house exterior painting

Another house paint color inspiration comes from white and its derivatives. The exterior wall paint color scheme this time will make your home brighter. Suitable for homes with symmetrical shapes on both sides. From this house, you can see the elegant side and also the nostalgic romance side.

With the dominance of white, the paint color of the exterior walls of the house gives a bright impression. The ivory color accent for the stairs and the turquoise color on the door leaf provide a separate accent for the house. It feels like there is a happy family living in it. Do you agree?

gray house exterior color schemes

gray house exterior color schemes

Olive as a Good Wall Paint Color Choice. Lately, olive color is becoming a trend everywhere, from the world of fashion, furniture, to architecture. Therefore, do not be surprised if the olive color is also included as one of the good wall paint colors. The soft color will make your home atmosphere comfortable and calming.

If you don't want the outside of your house to be entirely olive, just give it a touch of natural stone because this good wall paint color is also suitable to be combined with elements of neutral natural colors, such as brown, beige, or white. Thus, the residence will feel homier and the neighbors will definitely want to stop by.

home wall color combination

home wall color combination

A mix of Red and Black for a Great Wall Paint. In addition to using a scheme from the same color derivative, you can also combine two different colors. In this inspiration, the exterior of the house applied good wall paint with a combination of red and black house paint colors. The combination of good wall paint colors successfully creates the impression of a home that is bold or firm and bold.

Now, so that the exterior appearance of the house is not too dark, you can combine the two good wall paint colors with white on the floor. In addition, you can also use a large glass window. Thus, the light from inside the house can be seen at night, as well as sunlight can enter the room maximally.

exterior paint schemes

exterior paint schemes

Each house has its own architectural style. Each architectural style of course also has a color scheme that is already attached to the architectural style.

Modern architectural styles, for example, are attached to a white color scheme, or Industrial which is more attached to exposed materials that give off a natural feel, you certainly don't want to see the outside appearance of your house look weird, right? 

best color combination for house

best color combination for house

Nice Wall Paint Color Pastel Yellow. Want to bring the impression of a home that is cheerful, but not tacky? If so, a good and suitable wall paint color is pastel yellow. Visually, pastel colors are very soft and bright so they won't make the house look overwhelming.

As a neutralizer, you can also combine pastel yellow with grayish black. Thanks to its light color, this great wall paint can also be applied to small houses without making it look boring.

home paint color combination

home paint color combination

Good Wall Paint Color Shades of Blue. The blue color is able to create a cool and calm residential atmosphere. Although blue is often applied to houses in cool areas, that doesn't mean you can't apply this good wall paint to homes in tropical urban areas. In fact, with this good wall paint color, you and the people around your house will be hypnotized by its coolness.

Hopefully, the article best color combination for house exterior is useful. If it is difficult to design an exterior design, you can use the services of a home design architect for maximum results according to your wishes. In addition, you can look for references to examples of the right house designs for your dream building. Congratulations on designing your dream home!
