9 pictures of simple small house designs

Is having a simple small housing your dream? Through this article, first check out a simple small housing design that can be an inspiration for your future residence.

simple small housing design

Many people think that buying a house is not easy. In fact, buying a simple small housing design can be realized by yourself because it has an affordable selling price. In addition, a small house makes it much easier for you to care for it so that the house can still look attractive for a long time. So that you can get a simple small housing design reference, this article will discuss:

Simple Small Housing Design Images

1. Simple House Design Type 21

type 21 simple house desig

Small house is excellent. Because the price is affordable, the type 21 simple house design is targeted by buyers. Many also choose to buy a type 21 house as a form of investment that does not require large capital and the price will continue to increase.

One of the advantages of a type 21 house is that you can easily design and design a house as you wish. So that a simple small house can look more spacious and attractive, you have to paint it in bright colors such as white or light cream brown. The house must also have large windows so that light can enter the house properly.

2. Simple House Design Type 36

simple house design type 36

If you have a small land size under 60 square meters, make the most of the existing land by building a simple house design type 36. Type 36 house is one type of house that is very liked by many people because it is function and size are included in a house that has a balanced composition.

You can design a type 36 house design so that the house has an open plan concept so that the space in the house can be maximized as well as possible. For example, you can combine a living room with a family room without a dividing wall. This can make the house feel more spacious and will automatically make the house feel cool.

3. Simple Small House on 60 Square Meters of Land

simple house design

The land measuring 60 meters is the most suitable land size to build a simple house design that has 2 floors at an affordable price. To maximize the size of the soil, you can look for soil that extends backwards.

As a shadow, you can try to design a house with 2 bedrooms on the 2nd floor to maximize the space and two bathrooms, each on the ground floor and 2nd floor. To make the house look fresh, you can also add a small yard located in front and back of the house.

4. Modern Minimalist Simple House Design

simple house design

Over time, the trend of architectural models continues to change. Entering 2010, one of the architectural trends that has become popular is the modern minimalist house. At first, minimalist home designs followed the flow of zen or simplicity that came from Japan. The zen design trend has finally undergone an adjustment so that the house can look modern.

You can easily apply the modern minimalist design to a simple small house because it doesn't need additional accessories that can make the house look crowded and a little tacky. Simplicity that looks modern can make even a small house look comfortable and luxurious.

5. Simple Small House with Tropical Design

simple house design

One of the popular home design trends applied to countries that have hot weather is the tropical residential design concept. You can design your simple small house so that it has a famous tropical design that can make the atmosphere of the house cool and comfortable. This can be realized also by planting a variety of large plants at home to create fresh and comfortable air.

6. A Simple House Design Made of Containers

simple house design

The trend of having a simple house design made of containers first became popular in several countries in Europe. Houses made of containers are in great demand because the process of making and decorating them is very easy to do. Usually used containers are sold in units and you just have to buy and adjust it to the needs of the house.

Although having a simple house design made of containers does not require a large budget to make it happen, you need a long process so that a house made of containers can be comfortable to live in, one of which is to prepare and install sound and heat absorbers so that the contents of the container house are not noisy when it rains and not hot when exposed to the sun during the day.

7. Prefabricated Simple House Design

simple house design

One of the other simple house design options that you can try to have is to buy or build a prefabricated house. Different from houses in general, prefabricated houses have been prepared in advance in several different parts and make the process of building a house easier. Another term for prefab houses can also be referred to as modular houses because they come in separate components.

The model of a simple prefab small house is also very diverse. You can easily choose the look of the house you want and the prefab home manufacturer will prepare it directly for you. Even though nowadays in Indonesia it is still rare for people to use prefab houses, its popularity continues to increase rapidly.

8. Small Simple Industrial Model House

simple house design

At first, only certain buildings adopted the industrial model design. But over time, finally, many simple small houses also implemented industrial designs. One of the reasons why this design is very suitable to be applied to small houses is because homeowners can save a lot of costs by building industrial-style houses that use an exposed model and don't look like finishing at all.

9. Simple House Design RV House

simple house design

The concept of a simple residence or small house RV House or Recreational vehicle house was first popularized by Americans who like adventure and are accustomed to living in an RV car. The concept has finally become popular in other countries, one of which is Indonesia.

This simple small house RV House utilizes a long vehicle or it can also be called an RV whose interior has been modified and adjusted to your own wishes. The concept of running housing is actually not recommended if you want a permanent or semi-permanent house built on land. However, if you have an adventurous spirit then you can try to build it yourself according to your imagination.

Those are 9 simple small housing design that can be an inspiration for you. Hopefully this article can help those of you who want to find references to build the desired simple small house.
