35 Pictures of Single Floor House Design in Village (Modern and Contemporary)

single floor house design in village

Single floor village house design – Everyone has a dream in all things, one of which is a house. The dream house is built in such a way as to match expectations and of course provide a sense of comfort and security. For those of you who live in suburbs or villages, you can look for examples of the latest village house designs to be used as references to build houses.

single floor house design in village

single floor house design in village

For those of you who live in villages or villages, it is possible to build a house with a minimalist style. The minimalist concept has indeed become a trend in recent years because the design is relatively simple but gives a beautiful look.

Examples of images like the one above can be your reference when building a dream house in the village. This model house is square in shape with 2 door accents in the middle so that the house can be the center of attention. The terrace of the house is also connected to the door and there is a small garage that protrudes back on the side.

village single floor home front design

village single floor home front design

You can apply a minimalist house when building a house in a village area. Examples of village house designs like the picture above are perfect for those of you who have not too wide land. The presence of a fence at the front will also beautify the house. The combination of brown, beige and black also looks luxurious and elegant.

simple home design in village single floor

simple home design in village single floor

The picture above is an example of a simple village house design that you can use as a reference when building a house in the future. This concept house is suitable for those of you who have narrow land. So that the house looks spacious, you just need to be creative in choosing colors and maximizing every available room. Just use a mix of colors like white and brick red.

village house low budget village single floor home front design

village house low budget village single floor home front design

The picture above is an example of a house design that is very common in rural areas. This house is a classic house because the roof is made of a semi-joglo like a house in the Java area with a front porch that is directly bordered by a knee-length wall. Ornaments on the front wall are also the hallmark of this classic design house.

village house front elevation designs for single floor

village house front elevation designs for single floor

Joglo house designs like the picture above must still be found in rural areas on the island of Java. This kind of house design is very simple and simple. The roof of the house uses tile in the form of a canopy or mountain. The walls of the house usually use teak wood. Joglo houses are usually made rather high with stairs at the front of the door.

village house low budget single floor house design

village house low budget single floor house design

The picture above can be a reference for those of you who want to build a house in a village with a semi-Dutch concept. The cost is also quite cheap you don't need to spend a lot of money. The house design as pictured is adapted from Dutch buildings in the past. What characterizes this design is the presence of rock elements on the front wall or the lower front wall. In addition, the number of windows and doors is also a characteristic of this building.

single floor house front design village

single floor house front design village

Houses in the village area do not always have to be built like traditional houses. There are several areas whose house designs tend to be classic Dutch houses like the example above. A house design like the picture can be a reference for those of you who want to have a classic but Dutch-style house.

single floor village house design

single floor village house design

Minimalist house designs are currently not only used for homes in urban areas, but have also been widely used by rural communities as design references for their homes. You can build a house like the picture above. This design is for those of you who have narrow land in the village but want to build a beautiful and comfortable house.

A modern minimalist house like the example above looks beautiful and elegant because of the simple design and the choice of gray color plus red accents on the front. You can add a small garden in front of the house to make it look fresher.

middle class village single floor home front design

middle class village single floor home front design

Like houses in villages in general, examples of village house designs like the picture above can be a reference for you when building a house later. This design is made very simple with a front porch that is made rather broad. The front porch can be used as a living room. Add plant decorations in the corner so that the atmosphere will be fresher and more comfortable.

village indian style single floor house front design

village indian style single floor house front design

A house like the picture above can be your choice when building a house. This kind of house design is perfect for those of you who live in rural areas. The house and front porch are made parallel to 2 support posts. The combination of Tosca green wall colors with white floor tiles is very beautiful and elegant. Read also : Cool House Designs.

village single floor home front design indian style

village single floor home front design indian style

Houses in villages do not always have a large background on the front. If you happen to live in a densely populated village and even have to be in a narrow alley, you can make a house design like the picture above. This house is made elongated with a minimal front porch. So that the house feels spacious, choose bright colors and minimize house ornaments.

single floor house design in village

An example of a house design in a village does not have to be like a traditional house like in the past. You are free to be creative and innovate in designing your home to make it more comfortable and beautiful to look at. Like the example picture above, a minimalist design can be an option for you young couples. The combination of brown, cream and white colors reveals the elegant side of the house.

If usually minimalist houses in urban areas are made with towering fences, you can replace them with half-house fences made of a mixture of walls and iron when building a minimalist house in the village. This gives the impression of being simple and willing to blend in with the surrounding community.

single floor house design in village

For those of you who have a large enough land, you can build a house like the picture above. This house has a very simple and general design like a house in a village in general. The large land, especially in the front and side areas of the house, can be used as a garden, for example planting mango trees, rambutan, guava and medicinal plants.

single floor house design in village

The limited vacant land in today's era does not rule out the possibility for you to build a dream house. Narrow land is no longer a problem because you only need to choose the right design as shown above.

This semi-minimalist simple house design can be a reference for young couples who want to build a house in rural areas. Make the roof of the house piled up to make it look more elegant and simple. Use a mix of contrasting colors such as gray, yellow and red to make your home the center of attention.

single floor house design in village

Examples of village house designs like the picture above can be your reference who wants to build a house in a rural area with a full color concept. This concept is very simple but uses a lot of bright colors like green, red and yellow. The front porch is made minimalist with a small garage on the side. Read also : Tiny homes design.

single floor house design in village

The design of the house like the picture above is perfect for those of you who live in rural areas. This house is made simply with a semi-minimalist concept. The side garage of the house is open, while the front porch only uses galvalume as a cover. In order not to look dry, add decorative flowers and greenery.

single floor house design in village

An example of a village house design like the picture above is perfect for those of you who want an open house but still beautiful and green. This design can be used in both narrow and wide areas. The location of the building is right in the middle with the side and front areas planted with trees and greenery.

single floor house design in village

The design image above is suitable for those of you who have a large area of ​​​​land to be used as a dream house. The design of the house is made simple with the location of the house in the middle and surrounded by an iron wall fence. Not many ornaments are used. The front wall uses only wood while the other walls use lightweight bricks.

single floor house design in village

You will find many examples of house designs like the picture above in the Sumatra area. The people there choose this kind of house because it is to protect themselves from attacks by wild animals and avoid frequent floods.

single floor house design in village

If you live in a village area that has a fairly cold temperature, an example of a village house design like the picture above can be used as an option. This house looks simple but very beautiful. The combination of white brick, wood, and stone is very integrated with the natural surroundings. Read also : front house designs.

single floor house design in village

A house like the picture above can be an option for those of you who have narrow land. This tiny house is very simple, but you can maximize the function of the house such as putting the living room in front of the house.

single floor house design in village

If you live in a forest or rural area near a forest, an example of a house design like the picture above can be the right choice. You only need wood material that is used as the walls and roof of the house.

single floor house design in village

Minimalist houses can also be made with wood materials like the example picture above. To make the house look more beautiful, apply gray paint to the walls of the house, while the pillars and terraces are still made of natural wood colors.

single floor house design in village

You who live in the highlands can make a small house like the picture above. This kind of house can be made of wood or brick made of a square. To make it look more like a settlement in the Netherlands, you can use maroon paint with a combination of white ornaments.

single floor house design in village

If you live in a densely populated village area, try making a house like the picture above. This house is made elongated with a simple design. The front yard of the house is only given vaping so that the road to other houses can still be passed. Read also : traditional scandinavian house design.

single floor house design in village

The picture above is an example of a village house design that will often be encountered. The design of the house is made simple and simple with 2 support poles for the front porch. This design is made with 1 door in the middle and 2 windows on the side.

single floor house design in village

The picture above is an example of a basic house in the village. Usually on each floor is made high because to avoid flooding. The ornaments used are also not much like the wood material on the front porch support.

single floor house design in village

Many examples of house designs above you find in rural areas or villages on the edge of the forest. The house design is very simple with 2 pillars on the front porch. The roof of the house uses asbestos because it is lighter and more cost-effective.

single floor house design in village

One example of a village house design that is often found is like the picture above. The design of this house is only square with a complement of 1 door in the middle and a window on the side. To be more attractive, use bright colors such as green, yellow or pink.

single floor house design in village

Rural areas or villages located in forest areas are very suitable if you use a design like the picture above. The materials used are also very cheap, namely teak or mahogany for the walls and roof. To make it look more beautiful, mix 2 colors such as brown or red and beige.

single floor house design in village

Having a beautiful house in the village is the dream of everyone who lives in a rural area. If you are bored with the classic design, you can build a house with a minimalist design. No need to add a front fence to make the house wider. Add a small flower garden and green grass in the rest of the front yard.

single floor house design in village

Building a house with a minimalist concept is not only for elite residential areas, but you can build it for residential in the village. Examples of minimalist-style village house designs like the picture above you can use as a reference. Make sure to use ornaments that are not excessive. Give a brick design in the middle of the front wall to beautify the dwelling.

single floor house design in village

For those of you who have a large area to build a house, the picture above can be your reference. This kind of design carries the traditional semi-Dutch side. this can be seen from the simple shape of the building as in general, while the selection of doors and glass uses a type of box like the Colonial era house model.

single floor house design in village

An example of a village house design like the picture above is one of the very basic village house designs. If you want to make a house with this design, you need a large enough land. This house has 2 large doors in the middle and sides with a fairly wide terrace background.

single floor house design in village

If you are bored with a simple minimalist home style, you can try a winding minimalist design for your residence in the village. In addition to giving an airy impression on the front, your home also looks more aesthetic. Add an iron fence house to sweeten the display.

Some of the examples of home designs above are just some of the design references that can be chosen for your future residence. There are still many village house designs from various regions that you can use as inspiration. From the examples above, which design is your favourite?
