Apply 10 Feng Shui Bedroom Decorating Tips!

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Small bedrooms, especially in boarding houses, usually make residents feel cramped. It could be that your bad luck has something to do with not getting positive energy in the room. Everything can be changed by applying the right feng shui bedroom decoration.

The flow of positive energy can be invited by the principles of feng shui. Believe it or not, decorating a house with feng shui rules usually allows more positive energy to flow into it.

You can also arrange a small bedroom according to feng shui principles. Observe the following tips!

Tips for Feng Shui Bedroom Decorating Ideas

You don't have to spend a lot of money to redecorate your room. Most of these feng shui bedroom decorating tips are about the layout of items, so they are easy to apply in any size room!

1. There are items in pairs

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Feng shui experts recommend installing furniture, decorations, or accessories in pairs. If you're confused, just install two nightstands beside the bed, two table lamps, two crystals or two paintings.

Putting things in pairs actually means symmetry and balance. Something that is symmetrical and balanced makes the energy in your room stable and able to have a more positive impact on its occupants.

2. Position the mattress right

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

So that the room feels comfortable to be used as a place to rest, we must be able to arrange the bed properly. Place the head of the bed against the wall but must be opposite from the position of the window.

Do not put the mattress under the window because the positive energy that enters your room will be blocked.

It's even better if you can see the door in its entirety from your bed. Not that put the bed right in front of the room. Leave empty space in front of the bed so it doesn't 'stick' to the wall if you can.

3. Build a calming atmosphere

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Make the atmosphere of the room pleasant even though its size is limited. The trick, install something useful to increase energy such as crystals.

However, crystal stones have different effects for each person so you must first know what is right for you. Try to find out the benefits of crystal healing and just choose the one that suits your needs.

If you don't like crystals, opt for an essential oil diffuser. There are some essential oils like lavender and chamomile that can help you sleep better. In addition to making the room smell good, you will also feel more relaxed.

4. Rooms must be tidy

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Keeping the room neat and organized is very important, especially if you want positive energy. Piles of many items, especially unused ones, will make it difficult for your body to rest.

In addition, a pile of items will make a narrow room feel cramped. A room that feels cramped makes your body even more uncomfortable.

So, keep your clothes and belongings in their proper place. Do not put a lot of electronics in the room because metal will carry negative energy that destabilizes your soul.

5. Clean the negative aura in the head

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

There is a lot of negative energy that can destroy your positive energy. To rid the room of negative energy, do not place the bed directly under the window. The negative energy that enters will directly hit your head.

If your mattress is already under the window, install thick curtains to keep out negative energy.

Don't hang artwork over your head either. Not all works of art carry positive energy so it's better to clear the area above the head of your bed. Logically, your head could fall if you hang something there.

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6. Take advantage of natural light

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Light is very important to make a small room feel big and airy. Well, natural light can balance the feng shui in the room.

Ideally, your room should have a natural light source that wakes you up naturally. On the other hand your room has less light at night so you can easily rest.

If your room doesn't have windows, you can install a mirror opposite from any light source in the room. If not, outsmart by buying a full spectrum luminous lamp that is similar to natural light.

7. Install the mirror

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

The mirror is the most versatile object that must be in the room. Mirrors can reflect natural light, making a narrow room feel wider and good feng shui.

It's just that there are rules. Avoid installing a mirror in a position where you can see your own reflection while sleeping. Seeing your own reflection while sleeping has the effect of having trouble falling asleep, especially at night.

Do not also place the mirror opposite the door. This position can reflect back the energy that enters the room, as a result you don't get good energy.

8. Wear small accessories

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

This has to do with rooms that must look neat. Try using small furniture and accessories. Avoid buying things and accessories that you don't need. You have to be able to make the restroom tidy so that positive energy can still flow smoothly.

What you need in the room is a bed, a lamp, a wardrobe, and a work desk if there is still space. This will make your small room feel spacious because it is easier to keep it neat and clean with fewer items.

With rooms that have limited furniture, you no longer have a reason to pile up things. This minimalist and well-organized room will make you feel calm.

9. Install the artwork

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Installing art in the room can help bring positive energy. The artwork should reflect your main goal. For example, if you are looking for a lover, you should install a love-themed painting.

Since artwork is a decorative element, it is better to install it in pairs or two at a time. As previously written, don't put a painting on your head, okay?

In order for the room to feel spacious, the painting should be hung as high as your eye level and not overdone. Decorations of sufficient size will not make the room feel narrower.

10. Choose bright and matching colors

feng shui bedroom decoration
feng shui bedroom decoration

Bright colors will make the room feel more spacious while providing a calming atmosphere. Try using ivory or pastel colors if you still want a touch of different colors in your room.

Even if the wall paint color isn't too flashy, you can add color through the installed artwork or accessories of your choice.

Also choose a color palette that matches each other, so that energy enters throughout. You can add textures or patterns as a sweet touch to the room without destroying the energy in it.

Well, a small room without a window facing the sun can invite a flow of positive energy to enter the room. You can start changing the color palette of the room to the position of your bed to feel better energy.

Ready to rearrange your room according to feng shui?
