6 Minimalist Workspace Inspirations That Make You More Productive

With the right minimalist workspace design, working from home is no less productive than working directly in the office.

workspace design ideas

In this digital era, making money can be from anywhere, including from home. The freelancing profession aka freelance workers is one example that is quite popular. Working from home does have advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, you have a more flexible time and place than office work. But on the other hand, you become unproductive because the work atmosphere is too comfortable. Especially if you work from home. The expectation is to get the job done, but not infrequently the reality is the opposite.

Well, for you freelancers, or working from home more often, it never hurts to leave space at home to be used as a minimalist workspace. As the name suggests, in a minimalist workspace, you don't need to make a special room for the workspace, if there is not enough land left.

Take advantage of the existing space, and decorate it in such a way as to make it worthy of a workspace. And of course, it's not only worth it, but it can make you even more productive. Out of ideas? No need to worry, here are 6 inspirations from Gmboel.com!

Minimalist Workspace Inspiration

1. A mix of vintage and industrial style

workspace design ideas

If you have a room at home that is not routinely maintained, don't keep it emptied. Instead, use the room as a workspace.

Combine it with vintage items and your used items to create an industrial impression. By carrying this style, you no longer need to paint the walls. Not bad for saving expenses right?

2. Take advantage of the remaining space in the warehouse

workspace design ideas

Limited land is not a problem to maximize creativity. As seen in the picture above, the minimalist workspace belonging to the occupants of the house is integrated with the warehouse or storage of goods.

This idea can be imitated by those of you who have ample storage space. At least, leave a distance of about 2-3 meters from the storage rack to avoid the risk of falling items in the cupboard onto the owner's head.

3. Modern minimalist

workspace design ideas

Adherents of living minimalism will definitely like this one concept. Just take advantage of the corners of the room, add slim tables and chairs, square frames, to ornamental plants, so that a minimalist workspace can be realized at home.

To make it more leverage, don't forget to look for matching sofa and carpet colors. Wall decorations are as much floating as possible so they don't eat in place.

4. Masculine and earthy nuances

workspace design ideas

Minimalist room is synonymous with white. But that doesn't mean it has to be like that forever. For those of you who are bored with white, you can choose dark colors such as dark gray on the walls.

The combination of wood floors and furniture in the same tone, as well as green plant accents also makes this office space feel simple and earthy.

5. Take advantage of the space in the bedroom

workspace design ideas

If you are constrained by limited space, it never hurts to take advantage of the empty side of the bedroom. Choose the side that is close to the window so that daylight can enter.

That way, you can work more focused without the need for additional lights. Also, make sure the position of the chair is behind the mattress so that you are not easily distracted and instead choose to sleep.

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6. Be more productive with the help of green plants

workspace design ideas

For those of you who have difficulty focusing, this minimalist workspace option can be the right choice. Collect many types of ornamental plants in the room.

Because according to research, worker productivity can increase up to 15 percent when surrounded by plants. In addition to increasing productivity, the workspace looks more natural.

Of the 6 minimalist workspaces above, which one do you like the most?
