Feng Shui Paintings For Living Room That You Should Know

When arranging the living room of the house, many people invite feng shui experts to help. Feng shui experts usually give advice regarding the direction of the house, furniture, and paint colors. Feng shui paintings for the living room are believed to bring fortune.

Understanding Feng Shui Paintings For Living Room

feng shui paintings for living room

Feng shui is actually an ancient topographical science from China that believes that humans, earth, and heaven are connected to create a harmonious life. A good living room arrangement, in feng shui, is believed to bring positive energy that has an impact on homeowners.

Some of these considerations include the direction of the house and the size of the room. Here is the meaning of feng shui paintings for living room from various sources, here are recommendations for living room paint colors according to feng shui that you can follow.

Living Room Paint Colors Facing North According to Feng Shui

feng shui paintings for living room

If the living room faces north, you can use some paint colors. Some colors for a north-facing living room include white, blue, and purple. White is a neutral color and goes well with any color.

In feng shui, white is believed to increase the creativity of residents. In addition, the combination of blue and purple will also give the living room a luxurious impression. These feng shui paintings for the living room can you try.

South-facing Living Room Paint Color

feng shui paintings for living room

Paint colors for a south-facing living room are red, pink, and orange. The color is believed to provide a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

In feng shui, it is believed that the south is the element of fire, so the color of the walls of the living room facing south should provide warmth and safety from fire. Then, you can also add some decorations in the living room, such as candles and plants.

West Facing Living Room Paint Colors

feng shui paintings for living room

If the room faces west, the appropriate living room paint colors are red, pink, and white. You can also combine these three colors of feng shui paintings for the living room. In addition, the three colors can also be combined with gray, white, gold, or silver.

For decoration, you can use a variety of metal decorations. Use photo frames, tables, and chairs, which contain metal. In feng shui, it is believed that the western element is metal.

Living Room Paint Colors Facing Northwest according to feng shui

feng shui paintings for living room

According to feng shui, white, gray, and black colors can be used on the walls of the living room. Combine this color with black on the tile floor for a charming look. These feng shui paintings for the living room will give a good atmosphere.

Southeast Facing Living Room Paint Colors

feng shui paintings for living room

According to feng shui, the black color combined with other colors is suitable to be applied to a living room facing southeast. The living room will be more beautiful by adding decorations related to the water element.

Living Room Paint Colors Facing East According to Feng Shui

feng shui paintings for living room

Colors that are suitable for an east-facing living room include blue, green, light blue, and black. You can combine any of these colors with yellow or brown.

You can add decorations such as clay or pottery statues in the living room. This cannot be separated because the element from the east is the earth. Feng shui paintings for the living room will give a good look.

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East Facing Living Room Paint Colors

feng shui paintings for living room

According to feng shui, the most appropriate color in an east-facing living room is green. You don't have to paint the entire living room green. Most importantly, you include green elements in the living room.

You can also add decorations with natural nuances, such as ornamental plants. Those are the explanations about feng shui paintings for the living room that you can follow. Hopefully, this article inspires you in designing the interior of the living room.
