How to Start a Small Food Business at Home in 10 Easy Steps


How to Start a Small Food Business at Home - Want to make more money by starting a business, but confused about what business to open? Small food businesses may be an option for you to consider! Because everyone definitely needs to eat, this business is one type of business that will never be abandoned. Therefore, opening a business in this field will be very promising.

Well, if you are interested, there are a few things to keep in mind. Such as initial preparation, careful planning, conducting market research and analysis, and others. You also need to see which snacks have high market demand and limited producers. So that you are more confident, see how to start a small food business at home below!

How Good is the Small Food Business Opportunity?

how to start a small food business at home

Apart from being suitable for the children's market segment, small food businesses are also in demand among teenagers and adults. Of course, this gives you a wider market share.

This business has good opportunities because it can be done without special skills or in a large area. This business is suitable for housewives or boarding children who want to have extra money. There are many choices so you can always create new business ideas.

For example, if you want to start a small food business by repacking, all you have to do is buy the snacks of your choice in large quantities (bales), then pack them again in smaller packages. You don't need to bother buying large equipment for production because you only have to repackage your sales. Marketing is also easy. You can leave merchandise installs, and school canteens or you can do word-of-mouth promotion.

Tips for How to Start a Small Food Business at Home

A good business certainly must be supported by good planning as well. Here are some tips for starting a small food business that you can practice:

1. Prepare initial capital

Even though this small food business idea can be done from home and doesn't require too much capital, you still need to prepare initial capital.

There are two types of capital that need attention, namely investment capital such as machines or storefronts that only need to be paid once. Then, there is also operational capital for your monthly business needs.

2. Determine the snacks to sell

Another thing to pay attention to before starting a small food business is choosing what food you want to sell. If possible, do research first about what kind of snacks are sold in the market. Once you know, you can choose foods that are not widely sold to reduce competition. But, also adjust the menu to your market share, OK?

For example, you want to sell egg rolls. In the market, it turns out there are already many who sell this food. You then choose to sell sausages covered in egg rolls. Of course, sausages and eggs are very familiar to the tongue, making it easier for you to introduce these products to the public.

3. Choose the right supplier

For smooth production, it is highly recommended to have a daily supply of raw materials. Make sure you choose ingredients of good quality. To get both, choose the right supplier or supplier. A supplier is a person or a company whose mission is to provide and sell resources to other parties, usually in the form of raw materials which will then be processed into certain products or services.

In business, suppliers are tasked with providing high-quality raw materials at agreed prices. This is the supplier's responsibility, because of course you as an entrepreneur will not be able to produce products without the help of suppliers.

For example, let's say you need a supplier of eggs and sausages. You can contact chicken breeders to get eggs at cage prices and sausage manufacturers to get wholesale prices. You don't need to be confused about finding raw materials when they are scarce on the market because suppliers will help you. If one supplier cannot fulfill your request, look for several other suppliers as alternatives.

4. Use a marketing strategy according to the target market

When selling, promotion is the main way to get people to know your product and business. Adjust the type of marketing strategy that you use with the small food business that you run.

Let's say the target market for your egg roll sausage product is teenagers and children. Offer affordable prices that suit consumer tastes so sales can run smoothly. Other strategies can also include giving discounts, promo prices on certain days, and giving free product samples.

Also, intensify promotions through social media so that it is easy to reach more people. Customers can later promote your product through word of mouth for free. Once you keep consumers happy, they will eventually become loyal customers.

5. Establish a good relationship with consumers

Any business definitely needs consumers, and small food businesses are no exception. Therefore, you need to maintain your behavior in front of them. If you are friendly and polite, surely more consumers will want to become your customers. Try to imagine if you were the one who was shopping from a curt or arrogant seller—surely you wouldn't feel comfortable, right? So, let's smile more to create a deep good impression on all consumers.

If you sell sausage egg rolls with a cart to hang out in front of the school, don't be fierce with the children, OK? Try joking with them to distract them, especially if you're still busy frying and it's taking a while. If you sell it at home in a plastic-packaged state, keep smiling and saying thank you so that customers don't mind having to take it to your house themselves.

6. Record income and expenses carefully

Even the smallest business still needs good bookkeeping. If not, how do you know if you are lucky?

Therefore, you are required to record all cash flows that occur. Every income and expense must be on the books. You can use a simple system when you are just starting a business. Later, when your business gets bigger, you can use Excel or Sheets to facilitate the whole process.

Suppose the prices of eggs, sausages, and oil are rising as they are now. If you only rely on memory from past sales and income, of course, the numbers won't be the same. Carefully record how many skewers of sausage eggs you sold so you know that your capital is not greater than your profit.

7. Create new innovations

Innovation is the right step to prevent consumers from getting bored with the products you sell. Food can also always be made with the latest innovations, including snacks or traditional food. Apart from providing unique points that will certainly make people curious, your product will also be different from similar products on the market. Consumers will easily see the characteristics of your product.

Selling a skewer of sausage egg rolls that are put in plastic might not sound special. However, what if you sell five skewers in a container, then pour Korean sauce on top? You can also add melted mozzarella cheese. Of course, this will make your trade even more interesting, huh?

8. Keep positive and visionary thinking

As a small food business owner, you need to have positive thoughts and think ahead. Stay away from narrow and negative thoughts because they will make you uneasy. Running a business always has its challenges, so if you think negatively, you won't progress.

An example could be by thinking about when is the right time to open a branch. Are there any areas that you think have a high level of enthusiasm for your product? Even if you're not at that stage yet, don't be discouraged and feel that your efforts are not progressing.

9. Prepare additional human resources if necessary

Employees in a small food factory are usually divided into several groups: production in the kitchen, packaging, and cashier or sales. But if you don't produce the snacks you sell yourself, an assistant can help make your job easier.

Well, since you are selling sausage egg rolls, you have the option of selling them yourself or hiring an employee. Even if you only employ one employee, still pay attention to their welfare. Give a commensurate salary without being late. If your business grows later, you already have a system and how to manage employees. Recruit additional HR if you feel that even two people are not capable of taking care of everything.

10. Use an advanced platform

You can also consider using a platform or tool that simplifies the sales process. If you buy machines, then you will be helped in terms of production. Then, if you use the application, then you can be helped from an operational point of view.

For example, if you want to open a small food business online and need to send packages to customers. Selly as an automatic keyboard application can help you sell online to make it more practical. You can check shipping costs easily without the need to switch between applications, which of course can save a lot of time. Customers will also be satisfied with your fast-paced service!

Brand and Expedition are Important Things

When talking about brands, people might immediately mention the names of manufacturers who produce a product. In fact, a brand is not as simple as a name. This includes many things, from logos, and slogans, to the colors used. Through branding, your product can convey the story and impression you want to give to consumers.

As a seller, you can use branding to convince customers that they want to buy your wares. Not only big companies or manufacturers who need to do branding. Startups that are just starting out or small businesses also need to build branding. This will be very useful, especially when you want to open an online snack business, where you will be surrounded by competitors.

When doing business, the brand will differentiate one product from another. You can highlight the advantages of the product with the right branding. That way, buyers can know who is the manufacturer of your product (you), what you offer, and how your merchandise helps customers who use it.

Meanwhile, when opening an online business, you need to find a way to deliver products to customers. For this reason, you need the help of expedition services. The expedition is the process of sending goods which also includes packing to ensure the safety of goods. Of all types of businesses, online businesses are the most in need of package delivery services. You can send your products not only overseas but also to any remote location.
