How to take care of hydroponic plants in 7 easy steps

Interested in caring for hydroponic plants at home but don't know what steps to take? Before that, let's find out how to take care of hydroponic plants in this article!

Hydroponic cultivation of plants is now very popular.

Even though it is widely known, not everyone understands how to care for hydroponics.

Even though caring for plants with this system is not difficult because you can use simple tools and materials that are easy to find.

Even though the tools used are easy to find, the steps taken to care for hydroponic plants can be considered challenging because they have to be done correctly.

If you are interested in caring for hydroponic plants, let's read this article until it's finished because has presented the complete method!

Steps for how to take care of hydroponic plants

how to take care of hydroponic plants

1. Checking Water Conditions

How to check the water in the hydroponic plant storage tanks is as follows:

  • Change the water at least once every four days.
  • Use a clear or transparent container as a storage container so you can observe the condition and availability of water.
  • Do not fill the reservoir completely, ideally half or three-quarters of it so that not too much goes to waste when drained.

2. Checking the Condition of the Nutrient Solution

Not to forget, you also need to control the conditions and availability of nutrient solutions in hydroponic plants.

This is done so that the plants can have enough nutrients.

3. Clean the Planting Media Container

Transparent media containers will be very susceptible to moss growth, so you must clean the container in the following way:

  • Remove the excess nutrient solution from the plant.
  • Clean the part that starts to grow moss with clean water and running water.
  • Soak the container in clean water or alcohol.
  • Refill with nutrient solution. Do this method regularly every 1-2 weeks.

4. Maintain Environmental Sanitation

Please note, clean cropland is usually rarely affected by pests and diseases.

Conversely, if the environment is dirty and damp, the chances of plants being attacked by pests are higher.

For that, you need to maintain environmental sanitation in caring for hydroponic plants because a clean environment can support optimal plant growth.

5. Check the Condition of Plants Routinely

Periodically checking the condition of the plants is an important step in caring for hydroponic plants.

By carrying out intensive checks, Property People can find out what is happening to the plants.

The reason is, if attacked by pests or diseases or even a lack of nutrient solution, the plants will show symptoms such as yellow, dry leaves, and other symptoms.

6. Seeing the Condition of the Planting Media

The condition of the planting medium can also affect plant health.

Thus, you also need to regularly check the condition of the planting media.

If it's really not feasible, replace the hydroponic growing media with a new one.

In addition, it is also not recommended to use used planting media that has already been used for fear of carrying pests and diseases that will be harmful to plant growth.

7. Removing Unhealthy Plants

The intensity of pest and disease attacks can lead to critical conditions in plants, even plants can die from it.

So, if you find plants that are attacked by pests or diseases, immediately throw them away and keep them away from healthy plants.

That's how to take care of hydroponic plants easily.
